The sun blazed in the sky

The streets were empty

No birds sang in the sky

The trees had stopped swaying

You showed the meaning

Of feeling lonely……

Telling me it was what

I have been living all these years

You showed me the meaning

Of feeling in love…...


The sun smiled at me

The streets were filled with laughing people

The birds sang day and night in the sky

the trees nodded to me

Every time I saw them

You showed me the meaning

Of being wanted….

You showed me the meaning

Of living life……

You showed me the meaning

Of happiness……

You showed me the meaning

Of my existence……

You told me the answers

to all the questions in my life…….

You showed me that

I could bring joy to people…..

You showed me the meaning

Of a fruitful life…….


Why did …

You show me the meaning

Of falling apart…..

You showed me how it felt

To have a broken heart……

I was ‘no one’ before you came

You made me ‘some one’ after you came


Was it all to make me return back to ‘no one’

Do answer me

no longer

The sun smiles at me….

No longer

The people in the street laugh….

No longer

The birds sing in the sky….

No longer

The trees sway….

Not through my life

Will I forget?

What feeling lonely


You taught me a lot of meanings in life

And that was the best one……….


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